A general's prized mare and a shipwreck. A naval shipyard founded in 1854. Forty thousand welders, torpedo makers, radiomen and Rosie the Riveters securing our freedom through a Civil, a Cold, and two World Wars. Two winemakers now toiling to handcraft beer worthy of this historic island.
Behind Every Great Beer
Is a great story
Learn about the storied naval base, how our founders went from wine to beer, and the story of how our little brewery grew into the communal hub our loyal patrons have come to love.

What's new?
Check out our podcast: Battleships to Beer
When your brewery hits a decade, there are plenty of stories to tell. And that's exactly what Mare Island Brewing Co. founders, Kent and Ryan take on in our new ten episode podcast series, Battleships to Beer: 10 Years of Mare Island Brewing Co.
From the early years, to navigating the pandemic, to colorful moments in Mare Island history... and of course beer, Kent and Ryan take to the mic with The Brewing Network founder and host Justin Crossley to reflect on a wild ride.
The first two episodes are out now, and we'll be dropping new ones every two weeks starting July 23rd, with a few extra bonus episodes in between.
Yardbird club
a treasured membership
Seasonal shipments, exclusive beers, Yardbird only events & more! Join our not so secret club and become a part of the best beer community in the North Bay.